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Residential Collection

If you are looking to divert your food & organic waste, we are here for you! We can collect food waste from any residence, apartment or house in the city of Keene.


Sign up for a curbside pick-up service today!

Remote Drop Off

If you live outside of Keene, or maybe don't need consistent pick up, then you can use our remote drop-off option.

Bring your food/organic waste to our remote drop-off site at the Monadnock Food Co-op. Drop up to 5 gallons every week and access our bins anytime. 

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Zero Waste Event Management

Throwing a party? A wedding? Having a professional event? We can help make that event Zero Waste! Tell us about the event and we can provide composting, recycling, and trash collection. Host responsibly by knowing you are properly disposing of your organic waste!

Residenial Collection
Commercial waste collection
Event Collection

Commercial Waste Collection 

Want your office, restaurant, or business to go green? ECCI can provide your business with the bins and tools to start diverting food/organic waste.  Follow the link below to get started.

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